E- LEARNING E- LEARNING is basically a computer based learning. Use of computer has become the key component in the educational environment. The term E- learning more broadly refers to a structured environment in which computers are used for teaching process.

 The e-learning system not only provides learning objectives but also evaluates the progress of the student. 

How did an idea of E-learning arise in the Holy Cross Institute? Holy Cross Institute started experimenting with the E- LEARNING process by monthly presentations on various educational topics by the teachers. 

Headmaster gave an idea to present topics in the form of PowerPoint presentation during the monthly staff meetings by the teachers who attended workshops. 

 Accordingly the first topic was given to Tr. Sharron Barreto. She presented her topic on 'positive thinking' by using PowerPoint presentation. She highlighted some important topics like 'how to develop positive attitude, characteristics of positive thinkers and also the examples of great personalities. 

Subsequently idea came from the chairman Mr. Devendra Bale to present the various topics in the form of PowerPoint presentation by the teachers.

Second topic was presented by sir Dhiraj Rane on the topic "Energy". He highlighted topics like 'forms of energy- specially on nuclear energy and the present status of Indo - US Nuclear Deal.

Later on the third topic was given to Tr. Manisha Dessai . She presented her topic 'Right To Information' in which she could highlight some subtopics like description about the act, Structure created under the Act, specimen Application and importance of the Act. 

Accordingly the school was hiring necessities like laptops, LCD projectors, etc for the presentations. 

The presentations done by the Holy Cross Institute's teachers were live, innovative and initiative which made the management of the school to make use of the technology in the field of teaching and learning in the Holy Cross Institute. So it was discussed in the management meeting to introduce E- learning process in the school.

 Most of the management members are professional in the world of computers and also with the advanced computer knowledge. It was decided to set the first unit in the IX A class in the academic year 2009-10.

 After setting up of the unit, all the necessary parameters were checked. They basically were 'font size, font color, background color on the screen, reflection of light, distance between the screen and the viewer, intensity of light and accordingly adjustments were done.

 Subsequently teachers started presenting their E- topics on the screen set in the different classrooms. It was found that e-learning process running smoothly in the E-school. 

Teachers were well versed with the computer technology, in order to add some extra quality based computer knowledge , workshops and seminars were conducted for the teachers of the school by the talented and expert resource persons. 

Mr. Sachin Kunkolikar is a key personality in acquiring all the necessities for the E- School. Many school members were interested in the actual functioning of the new venture and this idea was extended outside the school. 

Many well known personalities came forward to finance this project. 

 Broadband internet facility was made available for the all the E- classes as well as the school computer laboratory.

Continuous monitoring and updates by the committee members made it possible to take a step forward in setting units in another four classrooms which has taken the teaching learning process through the electronic media to a greater heights in the school.